Software and Code
Programming in Seismology !!
CODE 1 #
A simple code to merge contents from the source folder to the destination folder. It helps to merge the content when you have two folders with the same name containing a different set of files.
# Script to merge the folder content from the source folder to the destination folder.
echo Insert source path : " For e.g. /home/himalaya/Documents/source_fold/*"
read sp
echo Insert destination path : " For e.g. /home/himalaya/Documents/destination_fold/"
read dp
echo confirm your path "(y for Yes) and (n for NO)"
read resp
echo Program will now initiate to merge the files from source to destination !!
sleep 2
if [ $resp == $'y' ]
rsync -avhu --progress $sp $dp
echo Work done !!
elif [ $resp == $'n' ]
echo Path/confirmation is not defined
## End of the Script ##
CODE 2 #
DAPF-v1: A MATLAB-GUI to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of a 3-component seismogram by efficiently suppressing the random/incoherent signals in the data. To run the code please follow the instructions in the User's Guide provided in the package.
link to the package:
Data Adaptive Polarization Filter- GUI
## End ##
# CODE 3:
EWA- Earthquake Waveform Analysis Tool
A Matlab-GUI for performing teleseismic earthquake waveform analysis. Acceptable file format : SAC data file only.
Video description:
This code is available from NCPOR's, Geosciences Division repository.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pratyush.